Famous Purple Clay Tea Set and Artisan

Gong Chun was the first potter who chiseled his name "Gong Chun"on the Shuying Hu (Tree Burl Pot). Following his lead were Dong Han, Zhao Li...

The Origin of Tea is Related to Medicine

The tea-plant, a native of southern China, was known from very early times to Chinese botany and medicine.  It is alluded to in the classics unde...

Blue Tea Production Areas and Classification

According to areas of production- northern Fujian, southern Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan blue tea.According to appearances-bar-shaped(northern Fujian...

The Cultural Significance of Tea

Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage.  In China, in the eighth century, it entered the realm of poetry as one of the polite amusement...

The History of Tea

Since ancient times. tea has been used as medicine, food and drink. Over the years, people's demands for tea has increased and the tea process has...

Steamed Green Tea

Exquisite steaefixed green tea appeared ir Sui (81-618) and Tang (618-907) dynasties.The Classic of Tua elabated:“On fine days,pluckin steaming,smashi...

What is Chinese White Tea?

What is Chinese White Tea?
White tea is special to Fujian Province having limited production. The production areas include Fuding,Zhenghe,Songxi,Jianyang.White tea has a history...

What is Chinese Scented Tea

What is Chinese Scented Tea
Scented tea,also known as the fumigated tea,or fragrant flower tea.The basic tea is fumigated with flowers to extract its essence. Scented tea is main...

What is Chinese Blue Tea(Oolong Tea)

What is Chinese Blue Tea(Oolong Tea)
Blue tea, known as Oolong tea in the international market, has the fresh fragrance of green tea and the mellowness of black tea....

Origin of Tea Set

The origin of the tea set cannot be separated from the discovery and  utilization of tea.In different periods,the tea set played different roles....